Strange audio issue. The patrol cars come in very clear but the dispatcher is consistently garbled. Sometimes I can't really tell what they are saying.
Scanner: BCD996P2
Firmware: Latest
Antenna: included antenna with 40 Foot LMR400 cable mounted in the attic
Site: New Jersey Interoperability Communications System (NJICS)
Distance to tower: 2.14 miles, no line of sight
4915 1333 Te Oakland PD Oakland Police Law Dispatch
APCO Mode: auto
Threshold: 8
Dispatcher Garbled, Patrols Cars not
Scanner: BCD996P2
Firmware: Latest
Antenna: included antenna with 40 Foot LMR400 cable mounted in the attic
Site: New Jersey Interoperability Communications System (NJICS)
Distance to tower: 2.14 miles, no line of sight
4915 1333 Te Oakland PD Oakland Police Law Dispatch
APCO Mode: auto
Threshold: 8
Dispatcher Garbled, Patrols Cars not
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