mercredi 30 septembre 2020

NJ First Energy

I'm using a BCD996P2. If I program the First Energy Matawan site as a ' P25 system ', I hear nothing. When I program the 4 frequencies as ' conventional ', I hear all traffic fine. All my other P25 sites work. Is there some special programming needed for First Energy?

Antenna mast question

The goal is to erect a pole about 30 ft tall in the roof. House construction in this part of the
world is pillar based, that looks similar to the photo below:
Antenna Pillar.jpg
Anyways, I am thinking of inserting the 5 ft tall / 2 inch diameter pipe inside the pillar during
pouring concrete phase. Once it dries up, I want to tie antenna pole made of PVC or maybe
even bamboo to hook future antenna that is not too heavy. E.g. ground plane, 3 element

Antenna mast question

Antenna recommendation for a firefighter using VHF analog

I'm a volunteer firefighter emt and have been battling reception issues in my area for years now.

I live in a pretty hilly, fairly rural and heavily wooded area known as the driftless area. I mounted a Diamond BC103 just below my roofline (not wanting to upset my HOA) and have LMR600 going into the house (LMR400 inside) being fed to an Icom R8600 through a Stridsberg Engineering multicoupler (also connects to another scanner and weather radio) which monitors 1) paging broadcasts...

Antenna recommendation for a firefighter using VHF analog

mardi 29 septembre 2020

Stafford / Fredericksburg New TG Discovery

Listening to what I could of the protests tonight, in the City of Fredericksburg, I came across the following:

Stafford Fire/Rescue
4649- Special OPS B (Encrypted)

Stafford Sheriff
4517- Unknown (Encrypted)

5801 - encrypted
5393 - comms in the clear

LA County FD V1-5 Command Repeaters

I’ve been listening to Bobcat fire CMD on LACFD V4 repeater 152.570 & decided to find the repeater location(s). I never did.

1. I went to the RRDB & noticed only V2, 152.240, had a license, WQMJ896, listed.
2. Thinking this license might apply to all Vs I clicked on it.
3. The RR page come up with “Callsign WQMJ896 not found”.
4. I decided to run WQMJ896 through the FCC data base.
5. It came up as being licensed to LA county on 152.240 only, Station Class FEBS, with 4 locations, none within...

LA County FD V1-5 Command Repeaters

Simulcast Question

I have questions, I have been in scanning for over 25 years. But this has got me stumped, My county has 2 sheriff dispatch channels, DMR system one of the tower is over 25+ miles and one of my scanners receives the transmissions from that tower and my other scanner receives the other tower transmissions from the other tower I can see from my front porch. Shouldn't both scanners receive the closest tower too me? Radio Reference has the channels down as SImulcast.

Getting the signal to 8600

Have been a premium member here for a number of years, but not sure if the subject matter qualifies for this particular forum. If I am re-directed I apologize. Have been a happy camper with the 8600 since 2017. Getting all the info I needed from RR and this forum. Just recently moved to a new neighborhood. My backyard runs 368/E-W. Unfortunately overhead utilities run 60ft behind the house/NS. My antenna and ballum hookup gathers 130 ft from home. Have two/ hundred ft rolls of coax. One roll...

Getting the signal to 8600

Chambers County Fire

Does anyone know the correct frequency Chambers County uses for fire dispatch? The RR Database shows 453.2375 and is that correct? Tone?

Opelika, AL

Upcoming MW DX Test - including FT8 amateur digital mode

I wish I had gotten this sooner, from Les Rayburn on the WoR reflector, transcribed directly - all transcription errors are mine...
Historic DX Test from WNJC-1360 late night tonight!

Duke Hamann of WNJC has announced another weekly DX Test of WNJC 1360, including a historic first-ever test of the FT-8 mode during a medium-wave broadcast test.

Reception reports can be sent to Duke at:

The test will be in two parts:


Upcoming MW DX Test - including FT8 amateur digital mode

Downtown Cleveland Ops for today

Anyone have the frequencies for ops in downtown Cleveland today? Besides the obvious district channel and district tac channel

Report on new Martha's Vineyard PD Frequency

I've noticed a new frequency of 151.4825 pl 91.5. I am receiving it full scale from New Bedford. I don't get the main 158.850 at all. The other 2 of 153.890 i get about 3 bars and 154.010 about 3 bars as well. On this new Channel I hear the whole Island. License checks, Traffic Stops and bunch of calls for Service. I also hear the cruiser side of conversations. I hear Oscar cruisers a lot which is Oak Bluffs and Tango for Tisbury. And the other towns as well. I don't get the 153.770 at all...

Report on new Martha's Vineyard PD Frequency

CFD Apparatus status

Hey Jay, or anyone else that may know.

There must have been some recent trucks switch stations as I've heard 14 Aerial and 31 Emerg. Its obvious 14 Aerial came from 24, so did 14 lose their Emerg? What did 24 get?

Was there any other movement?


Fort Mitchell Police Frequency

I'm trying to find the frequency for Fort Mitchell Police. I've found Fire-Tac and Public Services in but not Police. Are they covered under Kenton County or some other locality?

Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

RCH622 06-6161 over the UK now. That one went from Ft Campbell to Dover last night as RCH6161.

C-32B 99-6143 as RCH584 rounding coast of Spain into the Med.

AC-130 87-9288 SPECTRE61 making a long trip to the east from NM, now inbound to some place in NW NY.
Two more C-17s eastbound from McChord. 10-0218 10-0217
C-17s 04-4128 and 04-4130 departing Ft Campbell

0950- SPECTRE61 landing at Niagra Falls. Actually using a RCH callsign. Tower wondering what the hell they're doing there with an...

Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

FPL P25p2 Florida System (00A)

this thread is specifically addressing this system:

based on some discussions on another site/page - I fired up this system today w/ FMPA/DSD+ just to take a look.

The closest site to me is 133 (Melbourne) and it's properly reporting neighbor sites of 47 (Vero Beach) and 61 (Cocoa)

however, today there was a new site - 19 - which should have a CC of 938.4375

so that's the first question - can anyone in the...

FPL P25p2 Florida System (00A)

SDS 100 antenna advice

is the Remtronix REM-820S the best antenna for the sds 100 or are there better choices?
Please list them
Thank You

REC output BCT15X - no audio?

Despite activating channels for Record I cannot appear to get any audio coming out of the REC output. First I distrusted my sound card inputs but I have now plugged in some headphones into the socket and it is just dead. Any idea? Is there perhaps some global disable feature?
I have seen a similar threat here but that did not seem to get resolved either.

Thanks, M

Legal Question About Baofeng Radio And GMRS Channels

Hello All,
I have a question about using a handheld ham radio, such as a Baofeng, to communicate on GMRS frequencies, such as 462.550. Since 462.550 equates to channel 15 on my Motorola walkie talkies I often talk to my wife and kids using my Baofeng. But I have a couple of questions about this.

1. Do I have to announce my amateur radio call sign while I communicate on the GMRS frequencies using a handheld ham radio?

2. Can my wife use our little Baofeng, although she is not licensed as an...

Legal Question About Baofeng Radio And GMRS Channels

7202 Group, UtahRadio, and local scanning

We used to have a lively local group.
When UCAN was just getting started and winter 0lympics were looming.

Today when I came to the Utah forum,
I discovered that the thread 'Unitrunker Warning' was gone.
I found that it had been removed and exiled to another forum.
'Computer Aided Monitoring and Programming'

And that kind of meddling is one of my pet peeves with RR.
When we had 7202 Group, UtahRadio, IdaScan, & others,
what we posted there stayed there. We could...

7202 Group, UtahRadio, and local scanning

Capacity Plus capability question

this is for people who know a lot more about MotoTrbo Capacity+ trunking than I do (and trust me, I don't know much)
This post revolves around 2 different SpaceX CAP+ "systems" at Cape Canaveral. Their UHF and 900Mhz systems:

Space X 900Mhz CAP+:
Space X UHF CAP+...

Capacity Plus capability question

Can lock out "ENC" TG's DSD Plus?

I monitor a LARGE commercial DMR system with lots of different users. I noticed some of the ambulence tg's are encrypted. Is there a way to lock TG's that are encrypted out? I mean lock out so they dont appear on the event log. The audio is locked out in the "channel activity" window but sometimes you can hear a slight "squawk" noise.

Saratoga Co Question

In the Saratoga Co trunked system, what are A-TAC and C-TAC? In the database, they are listed under law enforcement, but the tags say fire-tac. Thanks!

41121010DA-TACA-TAC (Administration) Fire-Tac
4111100fDC-TACC-TAC (Communications) Fire-Tac

RPM question.

Hey yall,
So I'm not looking to program anything in as I've already seen all the posts on here on why I cant.
But I was poking around RPM R10B07 and the opensky tab is 100% blank save for the systems list. I went and added a OS system into the pers. but its still blank. Is that normal or do I have a broken install?

Indiana FCC License Info

Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional - 0004082116 - CONNER PRAIRIE MUSEUM


464.1125 FB2 MO
469.1125 MO
463.725 MO

Statewide MO

FB2@50/65 W
MO@4 w

Need poo cleanup on cart path 2 please

Whistler WS1065

Greetings! I am new to the digital scanners of today unlike the scanners of the early years (Pre Mid 1990's).
I am trying to program a WS1065 scanner, to my knowledge the program was successful from this site to the scanner but now the scanner is not scanning/receiving any radio transmissions.
Reading the directions from the user manual is of no help. Either I am not understanding the process or a step is missing.
Is there anyone out there that is able to give suggestions as to what I...

Whistler WS1065

TK-8180K vs. Non-K

Alright Kenwood experts. Back for stupid questions #2 and #3. :D

What is the difference between the K and Non-K versions?

Will KPG-89D program both? The software shows 8180 and 8180H, but I'm not sure if that covers the K model or not too.


Antenna mast question

The goal is to erect a pole about 30 ft tall in the roof. House construction in this part of the
world is pillar based, that looks similar to the photo below:
Antenna Pillar.jpg
Anyways, I am thinking of inserting the 5 ft tall / 2 inch diameter pipe inside the pillar during
pouring concrete phase. Once it dries up, I want to tie antenna pole made of PVC or maybe
even bamboo to hook future antenna that is not too heavy. E.g. ground plane, 3 element

Antenna mast question

lundi 28 septembre 2020

DSDPlus is missing the signal?

Greetings everyone. I dearly hope someone here can prove I'm an idiot in five minutes with whatever stupid thing I'm overlooking.

I'm trying to listen to a P25 system in my local area. So, this is what I've done.

I watched the set of instructional videos made by SignalsEverywhere, located here.

Starting with a brand new legal installation and a empty (zero partitions level of clean) hard drive I setup a solid working laptop (I7 class CPU with 16GB of...

DSDPlus is missing the signal?

Uniden SDS filter list for San Diego

Messing with optimizing my filters for various systems and bands. So far...

700MHz and 800MHz trunking, SD City, RCS Nextgen, Wide Invert provides the highest signal strength and the lowest ERR rate, tested edge of range and -50dBm high signal.

DoD 14C 380MHz trunking, Wide Normal gets about 3dBm improvement over the next best filter, Wide Invert, and best ERR rate.

Testing CHP right now, 39.8MHz, at a distance, it likes Wide Normal.

Anyone else have filter settings for anything...

Uniden SDS filter list for San Diego

Optimizing Filters

In another forum, someone recently brought up the [above] subject that this beginner, currently, has no understanding of.

The Uniden manual is useful for swatting flies...not much more. Went to Mark's Scanners [SDS Sentinel Software Manual], looked for "filters" in the index and couldn't find any info. Any tutorials available?

Questions: where are these filters? How do I use them? What [and how] will they impact the...

Optimizing Filters

911 in several areas of the country down including AZ MN NV

Wow, first Flightaware and FlightRadar24, then Microsoft, now 911 centers in several states.

Shack Pics of Monitors with Multiple Virtual Scanner Displays

I’ve seen several nice shack pictures of multiple scanners (mostly Unidens) connected to a single computer monitor which displays 2, 3, or 4 virtual scanner displays. Does anyone know how this can be done with a single computer and monitor? Thanks.

Will County EDACS Still up?

Is the Will Co EDACS system still in operation at all?

Should it be deprecated?

Cameron Peak Fire

Anyone else monitoring this fire?

I am only scanning DTRS, the talkgroups that seem active up there are:
TG 4006 NE MAC 7 - Northeast
TG 9157 Larimer County Fire
TG 2354 DOW Fort Collins
TG 2497 CDOT 1 King

There doesn't seem to be much air traffic, except for some fire mapping planes. Any other frequencies that are active?

Cold Solder Joint

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I sent my SDS100 in for the cold solder joint issue, and after about a month away from home, it came back working again. Until today. The A/C in my house is broken, and ambient has been 85F or so the last couple days, and so the SDS100 has been running warmer than usual as a result.

The symptoms were nearly identical to before, except instead of getting no RSSI reading while a transmission, I was sometimes getting -40dBm, which is unusually strong. Everything...

Cold Solder Joint

New generation of MMDVM's ?

What you think about a new generation of multimode Hotspots based on CML Micro baseband ic's like CMX998/CMX981 or sdr technology?

As MMDVM was a game changer in digital communication for hams and Jonathan Naylor have his well deserved place in history book for this shift, i really belive that actual mmdvm boards, simplex or duplex reached they full potential and despite of design improvements nothing new can come.
Beside DMR and P25 , (ignoring c4fm,dstar,pocsag, analog) TETRA is a...

New generation of MMDVM's ?

Madison County radio issues.

No receive audio when scanning and on active signal, must frequently partial reset

Hello Everyone, confusing symptom with my R30...When scanning immediately after power on, no audio is emits when on a active signal. After going through the menus and verifying proper mode selection, I did a partial reset. Upon doing so, radio scans and opens squelch normally. I find the Auto setting works best so excessive tight squelch is not the problem. This occurs every time I power the unit up. Guess it needs to go back to Icom, any idea of out of warranty cost?? Terrific little...

No receive audio when scanning and on active signal, must frequently partial reset

Cheapest/best kid scanner.

What would be a good/best HH scanner for a kid, definitely under $50? The Baofeng forum is for transcievers, which is OK because I could disable transmit. I would like to import data from RR with free software (chirp?). Are any of the 5R flavors better? I see there's aBF88 and 888 but I don't know how they scan. One thing I REALLY hate about my UV82 is the horrendous squelch tail, even when using PL.
Strictly analog VHF UHF.

CT State Police

hi everybody stupid question. I am no longer able to receive the Ct State Police. I have a Uniden BCD536HP scanner. Can anybody offer any help


Which portable audio is better?

Bendix king
Which portable single band p25 & FM radio has better sounding audio at lo and hi volume?
Better as on cleanest, clearest audio?

My moto astro25 because of the EQ settings, and vp6/900s again because of EQ settings in CPS.

Utah Lake State Park

I was just listening to a call about capsized boat on Utah Lake and realized I don't know what freqs are used by the Utah Lake State Park service there or the boats they patrol with. It seems to always be UT Co. SAR that does the boat stuff, so it never occurred to me that the Park services were also there.

Anyone know what Utah Lake State Park uses (and do they bother using Marine band radios)?


All cars being called in today to install new radios.
Any insight on this?
Hope its not for the “e” option.

Issues With GRE PSR-500 And 600s

I have a GRE PSR-500 and 600 radios that both seem to have lost sensitivity over the years. I have a Whistler TRX-1 handheld with a rubber duck antenna seems to have far more sensitivity when placed side by side. I also have a Whistler WS-1065 that seems to have developed the same loss of sensitivity. Has anyone else dealt with this issue and have an idea of what the cause is? I would sure like to have my older radios fixed

Capacity Plus capability question

this is for people who know a lot more about MotoTrbo Capacity+ trunking than I do (and trust me, I don't know much)
This post revolves around 2 different SpaceX CAP+ "systems" at Cape Canaveral. Their UHF and 900Mhz systems:

Space X 900Mhz CAP+:
Space X UHF CAP+...

Capacity Plus capability question

General Broadcastify Question and NH Specific Question

Hey all, I just set up a stream for Carroll County Public Safety. My general question to the group is, do you think it’s generally better to have a smaller amount of frequencies being scanned for an online stream so it’s easier to follow the traffic? I’m afraid if I open up the feed and start broadcasting other counties it will be too much to follow. Just looking for a general thoughts on that.

Secondly, if anyone is listening online to Carroll County, is there anything else that makes...

General Broadcastify Question and NH Specific Question

AM Broadcast station coming in on shortwave

This week I put up a new random/long wire antenna. It's 107 feet long and 18 feet high. It has a 1:1 balun at the end that comes into the house on 30 feet of RG8X coax. I only use it for receiving MW and shortwave. The antenna works fine and is definitely an improvement over my old antenna. I'm out away from any large city AM radio stations. Boston is the closest at 75 miles. There are several low powered AM stations about 20 miles away.

But I have noticed something odd. My Tecsun PL-880 is...

AM Broadcast station coming in on shortwave

P25RX P25 Phase 1/2/DMR Receiver With Bluetooth Audio Support

Open-source Configuration software

Sd card question

What is the biggest sd micro card that is recommend for the SDS 100?


New Waterloo Regional System

Has anyone found the new P25 system they now have up and running in Waterloo Region yet ? I have heard them testing it and they have begun to change and seriously reduce the talk groups on the current system.

As of the end of Aug they will slowly migrate over to the new system so it's up and running, but no one seems to have found it yet !!

Anytone AT-D578UV Pro (BT & GPS version) AES-256

Greetings to all -

Does anyone have the Pro version as mentioned in the title and have been able to get the DMR encryption to work? It claims to have AES-256 and I cannot get it to work with other radios that I know as AES-256.

dimanche 27 septembre 2020

ProScan Download Issue

I recently got a new computer and attempted to download ProScan. When I did so, my anti-virus flagged it. This also happened when I attempted to download the zip to another computer with a different browser and different anti-virus. Is anyone else getting this recently? I'm not sure whether it's a false alert, or if somehow the site may have been compromised.

Also noteworthy, the RadioFeed and ProScan Free Client zips are not being flagged.

MedStar Communications for Hospital Reports

In Baldwin County, how do the MedStar ambulances, as well as Gulf Shores and Orange Beach rescue / transport units, communicate with hospitals for patient reports?

DSD+ Fastlane updated - v2.268

Note that you may need to update
base dll files in this version to stop the missing dll or wrong checksum messages.

Change Log

DSD+ 2.268

    Fixed P25 channel 0-0 handling.

    Significantly improved Fusion decoding.

    Added dPMR link control display and AMBE+2 voice synthesis.  dPMR decoding has to be enabled.

    Modified site loader window operation:

      Controlled by mouse / pointer device only; no keyboard inputs.

      Left or right click on an entry...
DSD+ Fastlane updated - v2.268

Orange County CORNet P25 System

As of this post, the following agencies are operating on the P25 system:

OC Sheriff
OC District Attorney
OC Probation

Chester Town PD (South)
Deerpark PD (West)
Mount Hope PD (West)

Chester FD
Huguenot FD
Middle Hope FD
Middletown FD
Port Jervis FD
Salisbury Mills FD
Sparrowbush FD
Tuxedo FD
Washingtonville FD

Blooming Grove EMS
Cornwall EMS
Greenville EMS
Highlands EMS
Newburgh EMS
Port Jervis EMS

Please refer...

Orange County CORNet P25 System

Grand jury in Breonna Taylor case to present findings to Louisville judge at 1:15 p.m. Wednesday

National Guard on standby...

Grand jury in Breonna Taylor case to present findings to Louisville judge at 1:15 p.m. Wednesday

Connecting SDS100 to Unitrunker software

This may not be the right place for this question, but here goes . . .
I'm familiar with using Unitrunker with a GRE scanner, but need some guidance on the mechanics of how to connect the SDS100 to the Unitrunker software.
Can I use the USB programming interface cable? What settings should be used in the software?
Thanks in advance

Stumped - Programming Bell FleetNet Zone 1 into Uniden BC785D and BCT15X

Hey again. Seems like I have no end of trouble with scanners. I'm an amateur, so forgive me.

I can NOT figure out how to program my two scanners with their respective Bell Fleetnet - Government Zone 1 frequencies and trunked systems. I've tried to follow Fort's "Programming your Uniden 396XT etc for Bell Fleetnet" but...

Stumped - Programming Bell FleetNet Zone 1 into Uniden BC785D and BCT15X

SDS100 barely receiving anything

Hi all,

I’ve got a SDS100 (purchased in 2018) and trying to figure out if it’s defective — or if I’m doing something wrong.

I’m in Nassau County, NY and able to receive NYPD/FDNY signals which aren’t great but certainly have given me plenty of listening.

But for the most part, I can’t hear anything else. I’ve taken the radio planespotting a few times and near zilch....even being within a mile or two of the airport with no interference from buildings, I can’t hear the controllers or...

SDS100 barely receiving anything

Yagi Antenna Recommendations

Good morning everyone,
A newbie scanner here.I have been reading alot of threads about the simulcast distortion currently on the P25 system.Myself I cannot afford the SDS 100 or 200.I am currently using a Bearcat 996T.I live in a area where we have alot of towers which is causing my distortion issues.I listen to my local airport. My question and concern is,will a Yagi antenna help with the P25 distortion, and since I listen to the aircraft freqs, how bad will I suffer listening to those...

Yagi Antenna Recommendations

Monroe/Ontario County Project 25 Phase II ?

I've noticed allot more activity on talkgroup:
Dec 2221 Towns North Ch 2 (Car to Car). I never hear anything on this previously.
Has something changed?

TN Homeland Security Dist7 NXDN

All the threads I find for Dist7 discussions are shut down so cant ask there and need some help. I bought a SDS100 a month ago loaded with NXDN/DMR/ProVoice keys new from B* Warehouse and the scanner shows that the keys are activated. I live in Clarksville (west) and have yet to receive any transmissions other than a partial snippet of a sentence very rarely. I have Sentinel and downloaded the Dist7 into its own Favorite list to only monitor it and still nothing and have done it several...

TN Homeland Security Dist7 NXDN


Does any manufacturer currently support snmp monitoring of repeaters and offer mib files for download?

Update on these stations?

Hello All! Returning the the SWL hobby after a long time away.

Can anyone give me an update on these shortwave stations in the US?



KSDA...possible to hear in the Mainland US?

KTBN...wasn' this formerly K-West?


Thanks for helping this old-timer out!

Looking to purchase a new scanner. Hoping for suggestions that fit my lifestyle best.

I am currently living fulltime RVing. I spend almost all of my time in small rural mountain towns (obviously I move around a lot but I do not often stay overnight anywhere I can not boondock). I am wanting to purchase a nicer quality scanner that will work well on the road as well as come in clear practically anywhere that I am that also picks up more than just a few channels and hopefully more than just main channels. I am open to antenna suggestions as well, etc. My budget is extremely...

Looking to purchase a new scanner. Hoping for suggestions that fit my lifestyle best.

Astron RS-20A Power Cord

I apologize if this is not the correct forum but I was not able to find somewhere else to place it.

Can anyone provide me with a model number or direction to replace the power cord to power the Astron RS-20A power supply? I basically want to know if i can get any power cord and if so, what do I search for or do I just go to the manufacturer?

I am getting ready for an install project and need to fire this bad boy back up.

Screen Color/Contrast with BCD996P2

Re: BCD996P2 / Out of all the COLORS you can set screen to, I have found that GREEN and CYAN are the only colors that I can clearly see with BLACK TEXT over them. Has anyone also noticed the OTHER COLORS are VERY DARK and even adjusting contrast, black text makes it VERY hard to see. This is too bad cause the other colors would be nice...

Screen Color/Contrast with BCD996P2

SDS100 barely receiving anything

Hi all,

I’ve got a SDS100 (purchased in 2018) and trying to figure out if it’s defective — or if I’m doing something wrong.

I’m in Nassau County, NY and able to receive NYPD/FDNY signals which aren’t great but certainly have given me plenty of listening.

But for the most part, I can’t hear anything else. I’ve taken the radio planespotting a few times and near zilch....even being within a mile or two of the airport with no interference from buildings, I can’t hear the controllers or...

SDS100 barely receiving anything

Boundary County (possibly Bonner County) unknown phone patch

Several times today I got what sounded like a autopatch on 172.525. It had speed dial to connect to a dispatcher (I believe). It sounded like radio techs because the last autopatch call was them clearing the site and the dispatcher said standby, showing no alarms your cleared to leave.

I checked the FCC database and it shows nothing, but that doesn't remove Federal users.
Any Ideas?

Question on RHWA-450-sbm antenna

I just received the RHWA-450 -SBM Scanner Antenna from Arcadian. I'm pretty sure its helping my UHF and VHF but concerned that the BNC connection doesn't fully lock on my TRX-1. Seems there is a bump that prevents the antenna from fully locking onto the Whistler. Should that be a concern?

Safety Warning During these times

Had a recent incident, that has caused me some lifestyle changes. Had my HAM license for a couple years, two years ago I put a sticker on the back of my pickup with my call sign. On the weekends I drive for Uber/Lyft (which is also part of why I don't have a radio hard mounted, too many questions from riders). I live in Denver, which unlike a lot of cities, we've only had sporadic riots/violence. Normally, when I go out to drive, I work 3 am to 10 am on Sat. and Sun. mornings, quiet time...

Safety Warning During these times

New Boston AFS P25 System

Hi all,

There is supposedly a new P25 site to be constructed at New Boston AFS in the VHF band with a four months construction period from May 2020. Has anyone caught this system online?

Montgomery County PSSM Program update

Note that the old thread was closed for some reason.

The county will have a Phase 2 P25 system that is licensed for 21 channels, which translates to 40 talkpaths.

It is scheduled for coverage testing starting in September 2020 based on filings with the FCC dated March this year.

"Kaiser" unit dispached by PFD?

Late last night/early this morning, I heard what sounded like "Kaiser response 12" or something similar get dispatched to a Kaiser location by the regional dispatch center. What's up with that? Thanks for any help....

Destroying SD / Data Security

Given the information that is recorded on SD cards and the files we keep on our PC's (configs, audio files, loggings) do you consider the safest / best way of destroying any of this data or ways for keeping it secure?

This has come to mind as recently I lost a USB key and this had a lot of audio recordings on it, some were a bit sensitive as they related to some incidents here.

samedi 26 septembre 2020

Medical helicopters HIPAA

Why is it medical helicopters can give a full name, date of birth, and patient condition/injuries, and it's not a HIPAA violation? I've heard this dozens of times over the air.

45.52 Radio Test

Approximately 1030 AM this morning I just north of Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire and heard a loud and clear radio test on 45.52. The female radio operator was requesting a radio check with the national weather service. I finally locked onto the frequency and the tone was 110.9. She signed of with the letters VEM which could be Vermont Emergency Management. I noticed there is a 300 watt transmitter on Burke Mountain, but receiving a FM radio transmitter from Burke where I was is very...

45.52 Radio Test

Sd card question

What is the biggest sd micro card that is recommend for the SDS 100?


Emerald queen casino

Hi all, since the new casino opening, has anyone done any monitoring and finding out the radio system for the new Emerald queen casino? Im wondering if they are a dmr system or conventional. Any input would be appreciated. I have yet myself to go explore and bring the scanner along.

Service types settings question

Is it a good idea to enable all service types in Sentinel for the SDS200, or is there a downside to doing that? Thanks! :)

Union Pacific-West Colton Yard

Would anyone have frequencies for the Union Pacific West Colton Yard?
Thanks in advance.

Airband-specific antennas for a casual scanner user: worth it?

I should preface this post by saying I'm not much of a radio/RF guy, I'm an airplane guy. Forgive me for what will probably be a string of dumb questions.

I recently bought a used BC125AT so I could listen to local air traffic. It works ok, but the reception of radio traffic isn't great from inside my apartment and the transmissions I receive cut in and out, but its much better if I'm right by the airport so I don't think its an issue with the scanner itself. I'm wondering if getting an...

Airband-specific antennas for a casual scanner user: worth it?

162.165 NXDN?

This is a bit of a long shot, so bear with me. Today I was at the southern shore of Lake Erie, pretty much due South from Ontario, and heard quite a bit of Weather Canada using my R30.

Then, a VHF search found some pretty clear NXDN traffic on 162.165. I wasn't able to determine the source of the traffic from what I heard. It was a bunch of non-specific transmissions with a hint of an accent. I am pretty sure there is no NXDN in Cleveland on this freq. Any chance this originated from...

162.165 NXDN?

Upcoming MW DX Test - including FT8 amateur digital mode

I wish I had gotten this sooner, from Les Rayburn on the WoR reflector, transcribed directly - all transcription errors are mine...
Historic DX Test from WNJC-1360 late night tonight!

Duke Hamann of WNJC has announced another weekly DX Test of WNJC 1360, including a historic first-ever test of the FT-8 mode during a medium-wave broadcast test.

Reception reports can be sent to Duke at:

The test will be in two parts:


Upcoming MW DX Test - including FT8 amateur digital mode

Unication G5 problem

Hope the moderators don't mind this post here...

My nearly new G5 is malfunctioning. The distributor (Ray's) suggested
trying a different battery before submitting a full warranty claim.

Is there anybody near Milwaukee that would be willing to meet with me to do the battery test. I'll
come to you on Sat 3/14 or Sun 3/15 and buy you lunch for your trouble.

Identify frequency 169.625 NAC: 183

Hearing traffic here in Hayesville NC (Clay County) on this frequency: 169.625 NAC: 183
Recieving strong on my handheld with stock antenna. Got to be close.
Can someone identify this frequency? Speculation?
Sorry have not heard them reference a location; just some fast talking 10 codes. Often a mic is briefly keyed with no audio.

Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

RCH622 06-6161 over the UK now. That one went from Ft Campbell to Dover last night as RCH6161.

C-32B 99-6143 as RCH584 rounding coast of Spain into the Med.

AC-130 87-9288 SPECTRE61 making a long trip to the east from NM, now inbound to some place in NW NY.
Two more C-17s eastbound from McChord. 10-0218 10-0217
C-17s 04-4128 and 04-4130 departing Ft Campbell

0950- SPECTRE61 landing at Niagra Falls. Actually using a RCH callsign. Tower wondering what the hell they're doing there with an...

Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

Channels not heard in scan mode

I have the bcd436hp with only 5 channels loaded onto in from the sentinel software. It only scans 2 nearby sites on the Ohio MARCS system. In scan mode it receives audio from 2 channels that are "dispatch" channels (both from different sites), however nothing comes in on the 3 channels listed as "tactical" channels. These are not encrypted channels. If you manually stop the scan on one of the tac channels, the radio traffic will come in. Any idea how to get them to come in while it is scanning?

Oneida County VHF P25 Trunking?

It appears that Oneida County is gearing towards a VHF P25 digital phase II trunking system. With a transition date to the new system to be around December 2018/ January 2019.

ULS Application - Public Safety Pool, Trunked - 0007104825 - ONEIDA, COUNTY OF

I find this odd since Oneida County falls under the Central NY Interoperable Communications Consortium, and the remaining counties...

Oneida County VHF P25 Trunking?

Raleigh Protest

Multiple protesters causing several small incidents in and around downtown Raleigh. Reported to be ~1k. Several streets closed in additional to multiple others blocked.

162.165 NXDN?

This is a bit of a long shot, so bear with me. Today I was at the southern shore of Lake Erie, pretty much due South from Ontario, and heard quite a bit of Weather Canada using my R30.

Then, a VHF search found some pretty clear NXDN traffic on 162.165. I wasn't able to determine the source of the traffic from what I heard. It was a bunch of non-specific transmissions with a hint of an accent. I am pretty sure there is no NXDN in Cleveland on this freq. Any chance this originated from...

162.165 NXDN?

Biden/Harris campaign plane heads to the northwest

Watching N2129 in flight from ILG headed west, currently approaching Chicago. This plane is being used by the Biden/Harris campaign. Guessing it is carrying Jill Biden and Doug Emhoff who are headed to Iowa and Nebraska for campaign events today.

Great blog on tracking the 2020 campaign planes from JetTip I urge everyone interested in this to check out.

Replacements for Baofeng UV82HP

A HH is worthless where I live unless it is high power. My UV82 on HP was the only mode that worked. I would like to replace them. The things I didn't like were having to go into programming mode and I believe saving the transmit and receive differently. Also the buttons aren't very useful and the scan is snail pace.

MobileTech NXDN Network

It looks like MobileTech is standing up a new NXDN network alongside their existing LTR-Net network. I'd assume this would be deployed across Western, Central and Northern areas.

I found what looks like an NXDN signal on 152.9825 which was their dedicated Fleetsync GPS data channel for the Manlius site.

It looks like they added the NXDN 4K00F1W emission designator to their license back in February, 2018.


Question about Walton County TRS

Is Walton county currently using the OARS trunked radio system? I live in Gwinnett county and not hearing CC traffic on my SDR setup or TRX-2. All frequency data I’m using is from RR and FCC listings. I live less than 8 miles from the Gwinnett/Walton border and would at least thought I would receive the listed CC.

LNA and Splitter Advice Appreciated

Still kinda new to the hobby but moving forward. My primary monitoring interest is MilAir but also CivAir.

I need to amplify and split my antenna feed for the below setup.

Note: Cost is a factor. I'm not going the Stridesberg route and am fine with the 'good enough' methods outlined in many of the posts here.

1. Tram 1411 with center whip removed. Mounted ~6ft above roof line, 24ft AGL.
2. ~30ft RG-6 thru attic almost to desk area with 6ft RG-6 patch cable w/barrel connector...

LNA and Splitter Advice Appreciated

Dispatcher Garbled, Patrols Cars not

Strange audio issue. The patrol cars come in very clear but the dispatcher is consistently garbled. Sometimes I can't really tell what they are saying.

Scanner: BCD996P2
Firmware: Latest
Antenna: included antenna with 40 Foot LMR400 cable mounted in the attic

Site: New Jersey Interoperability Communications System (NJICS)

Distance to tower: 2.14 miles, no line of sight

4915 1333 Te Oakland PD Oakland Police Law Dispatch

APCO Mode: auto
Threshold: 8

Dispatcher Garbled, Patrols Cars not

Crazy question

I live in the Manatee Sarasota county which is simulcast why cant I just program the simulcast Info in and scan off that. Just a thought.



There is a rumour that AOR are releasing a new batch of AR-DV10's in 2020, with ALL the problems fixed, including the hardware related frequency drift.

I HOPE that is true, but anyone considering buying an AR-DV10 should be VERY careful.

AOR have not been exactly truthful or helpful about the original problems so far. Unless the latest DV10's have had stable frequency compensation hardware (not firmware) modifications built in, that problem will always remain. It can be very significant...


vendredi 25 septembre 2020

2 to 3,000MHz in an 12 inch long antenna

Ok, who will be the first to get one and report on how it works? And I thought the COMPACtenna had some wild claims.

Scott County, Savage Minnesota spend coronavirus relief dollars on encrypted police radios

“Several county and city officials say communicating certain COVID-19 health data required the purchase of radios with encryption technology, but did not provide support for these claims.”

“However, local law enforcement officials later confirmed COVID-19 heath data doesn't need to be transmitted over encrypted radios. Officers are currently able to access COVID-19 health data while maintaining compliance with privacy requirements.”

Link to...

Scott County, Savage Minnesota spend coronavirus relief dollars on encrypted police radios

Baofeng BF-F8TD - Scanning frequencies stops on NOAA ONLY

Hello friends, could use a bit of help here. I am not an amateur operator (yet), just want to scan for available frequencies, not talk (duplex set to off).

So I just bought a pair of Baofeng BF-F8TD 8 watt HAM radio/scanner/walkie talkies. I only want to scan and receive the following for safety awareness for the FAM.
  • Local Police, Fire, EMS and other emergency good-to-knows
  • NOAA weather
  • Area repeaters to hear the HAM pros broadcasting (local repeaters...

Baofeng BF-F8TD - Scanning frequencies stops on NOAA ONLY

Is Motorola HAM friendly?

I wish to buy MotoTRBO software FROM MOTOROLA. I do not wish to get it illegally, free, etc. However, my question is one of amicability. I'm still unhappy about an incident with Mr. Ken Wood about spending money for one of their dealers to program two radios for GMRS use and then being told exactly where to go. Before I register with Motorola On Line and have issues, has any licensed HAM successfully bought CPS software from them? Or would I just be better off getting one of the Chinese DMR...

Is Motorola HAM friendly?


Im using the Sentenial program and when I append my counties talkgroups, my counties Fire On Scene channel comes on the display screen when my counties sheriff dispatch is transmitting. Both talkgroups has same frequency and color code.

"My Uniden" not connecting

Anyone else experiencing this? Trying to register new radio but won't connect. :mad: